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Practice Sheet 1 - Law and Social Change



Answer the following questions based on the provided class materials.

  1. What does social change mean?

  1. What are the mechanisms that stimulate social change?

  1. What are examples of social changes?

  1. How does social change inspire legislation?

  1. What are examples of laws inspired by social change?

  1. How does the law respond to new social conditions and ideas?

  1. Which areas of life is law an important instrument of change?

  1. What are examples of laws that induce social change?

  1. What are the advantages of law as an instrument of social change?

  1. What are the limitations of law in creating social change?

  1. What does resistance to change mean?

  1. What are the factors that are a barrier to change? 

  1. Give an example for each factor.

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