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Assignment 2: Mini Research & Exhibition

Assalamualaikum everyone!

You may now download the task instructions and rubrics for Assignment 2: Mini Research & Rubrics by clicking on the ASSESSMENTS button on the navigation menu bar above or click on the assignment list in the ASSESSMENTS sidebar tab.

Please follow the instructions as provided in the task specifications. Use the rubrics to guide you in preparing the academic poster and exhibition for this assessment.

This is a group project, therefore you are required to work in team.

Your mission is to conduct a research based on any one of the statutes which will be assigned by your lecturer during class later. The statutes are related to the following topics:
  • Law and Education
  • Law and ICT
Please read the slides regarding the abovementioned topics by clicking on the PRESENTATION SLIDES button on the navigation menu bar. They are labeled as Week 11 and Week 12 slides.

The academic poster shall be submitted to the respective lecturer in Week 10 and exhibited in Week 11.

Kindly consult your lecturer for any inquiries pertaining to this assessment.

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